Christian above all, 0xec6d0 has long produced works highlighting (or questioning) his faith. ICHTHUS is no exception to the rule with a fluo version in a special edition where the red adhesive tape gives way to black adhesive tape on the edges.
An atypical work in its production even though its range of paint remains similar: liquitex heavy body but in fluorescent. Here the message is simple: a representation of a crucified Jesus with two doves.
An INRI at the top of the painting as if to clarify the scene and above all a renewed Jesus in a range of complete colors highlighted in white. In this special edition 0xec6d0 has bet, as rarely in its production, on the aesthetic side, on the simple and accessible side of a work produced in a burst of energy as fast as it is lively, something that can be seen and felt through of each visible brush stroke.
Few texts, many colors for a work that changes traditional religious representations where suffering and serious messages are linked. Here the naive takes place, in a simple but powerful and above all very current vision of religion. A colorful and soothing vision that finds a place in all interiors, that's the whole point of neon.
The ICHTHUS is still present, like a trademark of the artist where each canvas from the 2020 period will receive this stamp, a bit like a pledge of his faith, perhaps of his doubt too, but above all of his desire to share, that of his Christianity.
“ICHTHUS is a bit like the iconic painting par excellence for the year 2023. It is fluorescent, with a black scotch and represents my quest for God, my quest for Christianity, Catholicism. My quest for meaning. It is a painting that soothes. A Zen painting. A picture full of hope. A painting that we never tire of. It has been displayed in my home all this time, and I will only give it up with great regret.”
— 0xec6d0.
For additional photos, requests concerning the work, you can contact the artist directly on the contact page. The artist will be happy to answer you and this, as always, in less than 24 hours.